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Company: | DEKOR - Denver, CO USA | |
Product Information: | Trade Name(s): Dekor.
LED Light Fixtures, Dekor, Model Nos. RDL4, RSL4, RDLKIT, RSLKIT, PCLR, PCR41, PCR, PCR51, PCG; followed by two characters. DEKDOTKIT, DEKDOT4 , RADSL. PAVERBLOCK, RADML, RADLL, RADBL, RADSL, SIDEWALKPWL, HARDSCAPESLIM, SUREFTBL, HARDSCAPE, GLOWRITEWALL, BIGMAX, GINLL, GLOWRITEPETITE, HARDSCAPECORNER, GLOWRITECORNER, STEPPEDHATPWL, MUSHROOMPWL, WELLPWL, PERGOLA, PUCKLL, TELESPOTPWL, SPOTLL, TREEGANG1LL, TREEGANG2LL, TREEGANG3LL, VSPOTGANG2LL, , SPOTGANG3LL, DEKDOT, DOCKDOT, DOCKDOTRED, DOCKDOTGREEN , DOCKDOTSTAR-PORT, EZYARDDOT, PAVERD, PAVERS, FLEXDECK, NOSEEEM, POSTACCENT, DLP, RBL, CCDL, CCSL, RDBL, PPGL, PPL, PLTD, PLH, SOFFITFLOOD, SOFFITSPOT, MINIRECSTAIR; may be followed by up to four characters. PC may be followed by up to four characters; followed by L; may be followed by two characters. DOCKDOT; followed by up to four characters; followed by S; may be followed by up to three characters. PLE; followed by two characters; followed by P. EMPRESSLL; may be followed by two characters; may be followed by NG. DOCKDOT; followed by up to four characters; followed by S; followed by up to three characters; followed by NG. RDL; followed by three characters; followed by NG. RSL; may be followed by three characters; may be followed by NG. DEKDOT,DOCKDOTRED; followed by one character; followed by NG. DOCKDOTRED; followed by one character. DOCKDOTSTAR-PORT, PAVERD, DOCKDOT, EZYARDDOT, PAVERS; followed by up to four characters; followed by NG. PPGL; may be followed by up to 5 characters. Two characters; followed by SQLEDCAP4X4, PYLEDCAP4X4; may be followed by up to four characters. Two characters; followed by ALCAPLED25; followed by two characters. INFINITE followed by up to three characters. | |
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Evaluated to the following: | A representative sample of the listed devices have been tested, investigated and found to comply with the requirements of the Standard(s) for Low Voltage Landscape Lighting Systems (UL-1838) and are identified with the ETL Listed Mark. | |
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